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Kash is one of the young and rapidly developing resorts in European Turkey, because it is here that high-level service harmoniously mixes with the colorful beauty of the sea, green mountains and shady forests. The sights of Kaş are somewhat remote from the city itself, but this is not at all a reason to refuse walks, because there is definitely something to see in the surrounding area.

Not far from the resort is the famous ancient village of Patara, familiar to many travelers with its rich history. Previously, this place was the large ancient city of Patara and one of the main seaports of the Lycian state. Some ancient buildings of that era are perfectly preserved here: the central street with a colonnade and ancient baths, a triumphal arch, a huge granary. History buffs will be pleased to see the ancient ruins of the theater and city council, as well as the fortress and special military fortifications that protected the city in those difficult times.

In the vicinity of Kas there is also the famous picturesque Kaputas beach, comfortably hidden in the arms of majestic mountains. It is the rocks that protect this coastline from cold and strong winds, so it is always cozy, comfortable and there are practically no strong waves. That’s why this place is often chosen for recreation by fans of diving or snorkeling.

There is another attraction, directly in Kasha - the legendary Lion's Tomb. The huge stone sarcophagus miraculously survived and is well preserved to this day. It owes its name to an unusual ornament in the form of lion heads filigree carved on stone.

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